This is a big improvement from your last submission! I can tell you've delved considerably deeper into mixing/mastering for this piece, and I think the results are engaging and beautiful. Once again, great composition, I'm really intrigued by the way you assemble melodies and movements, and I think you've got some really good transitions in here. I was a little put off by the sudden introduction of the piano lead at 0:47. I feel like that transition could be fleshed out more - I'd play the piano refrain once before that downbeat with a ramp on the track volume. It'd start out silent, then come in slowly over the course of the bar - when the crash hits, it's at full volume. Also, that crash feels buried - I'd like to bring him out more front and center, probly just needs a little volume boost to accomplish that, but maybe a compressor...I'd look at the amplification envelope too, maybe you can reduce it's attack time. I could keep nitpicking til the cows come home, but I feel like you've got a real good piece here, and I'm noticing improvements in your execution - keep it up, m8!